Edible Forest Garden & NHS Bradhope Allotment
Regenerate following permaculture and making connections with BORO Community
These sites have been abandoned more number of years. After our launch, Climate Action Middlesbrough, the Council and NHS have trusted us to look after this place and the space to be used for the wellbeing of the community. Since then, we have made links with the local residents and community groups, working together to make this special place 'Thriving' for the people and the environment.
Eco & Forest Schools
We promote Eco School and Forest School. They follow the Global Goals, which is the same goals as the Doughnut vision. We found a role model school Harrow Gate Primary and the lead teacher Rebecca has presented and held a workshop at our launch event, then hosted an open afternoon for us. Various researches show that ECO & FOREST SCHOOLS not only promote wellbeing of the pupils and the environment, but also helps physical, academic, and emotional development. We should reconsider what is important in education and we would like you to join us.
Alleyway Improvement
Starting from litterpick, investigating waste management and provision has led us to make links with one alleyway community. We aim to raise awareness of collective responsibilities and collaborate with the residents, the council, councillors and other community groups. We also plan to highlight good practice and urge systems change with the support of Teesside University Business School.